
Our versatile biology master’s program equips you for professional advancement in teaching and non-research roles in scientific industries.

Ideal for working adults and pre-professional graduate students, 十大菠菜台子’s one-year master of arts in biology prioritizes coursework over research. With an unusually wide range of course options, our master of biology can easily be customized to fit your academic interests and career goals. 不像生物学中的MS, the MA in biology doesn’t require a research thesis, making it an excellent fit for teachers and non-research professionals in science careers. And the master of biology connects you to a diverse, active scientific community on campus and off. Flexible start dates and a student-friendly design make Oakland’s master of biology an excellent credential for building your career in education, 环境科学, 卫生保健, 资源管理, 以及类似的领域.

Ideal for working adults and pre-professional graduate students, 十大菠菜台子’s one-year master of arts in biology prioritizes coursework over research. With an unusually wide range of course options, our master of biology can easily be customized to fit your academic interests and career goals. 不像生物学中的MS, the MA in biology doesn’t require a research thesis, making it an excellent fit for teachers and non-research professionals in science careers. And the master of biology connects you to a diverse, active scientific community on campus and off. Flexible start dates and a student-friendly design make Oakland’s master of biology an excellent credential for building your career in education, 环境科学, 卫生保健, 资源管理, 以及类似的领域.

Master of Biology Degree: The 十大菠菜台子 Advantage

Our biology MA program excels for its versatility and practical career value. You’ll get a personalized experience that pays off in the job market and the workplace.

Oakland’s master of biology prepares you for career success because of its:

  • 个性化课程. The master of arts in biology involves more credits of coursework than a research-focused degree. And Oakland’s graduate catalog gives you a wide range of course options, so you can focus your studies in areas that best serve your objectives.
  • 从事教师. Our biology master’s faculty offer professional mentorship and career guidance in addition to classroom instruction. You’ll learn from highly accomplished biologists who make graduate teaching a top priority.
  • 一流的设施. Although the biology MA doesn’t require a research thesis, you still have the option to include hands-on research in your master of biology degree. Oakland’s 16 labs and on-campus natural preserves allow you to work with cutting-edge instruments and explore more than 100 acres of on-campus forests and wetlands.
  • Flexibility and convenience. 作为一个一年制项目, Oakland’s master of biology is a comfortable fit for working adults who need to balance school with job responsibilities. You can begin the program in the fall, 冬天, 或者夏季学期, arranging your schedule for maximum convenience.
  • 职业生涯的连接. Our master of biology helps you develop professional skills that have value in the job market. You’ll acquire expertise that can help you earn a promotion, 开关的职业, 改变雇主, or simply get better results in your current job.

What Can You Do With a Master of Biology?

A biology MA qualifies you for a variety of jobs that have excellent earning potential. Demand is rising in areas such as science education, 环境科学, 微生物学, 生物化学, 和流行病学. Most of these fields offer above-average pay.

Our biology MA can help you compete for top jobs with employers such as:

  • 社区学院
  • 高中
  • Zoos and botanical gardens
  • 环境机构
  • Resource management organizations
  • 保护非营利组织
  • 制药公司
  • 健康科学实验室
  • 基因检测公司


The Master of Arts in Biology requires 32 credits of graduate coursework. A research thesis is not required. The master of biology includes a minimum of three courses from each of two tracks: cell/molecular, 与生态, 进化, 和行为.

十大菠菜台子 offers a very wide range of graduate biology course options, covering subjects such as:

  • 生物化学
  • 细胞生物学
  • 进化生物学
  • 生态
  • 种群生物学
  • 保护生物学
  • 遗传学
  • 科学伦理
  • Genomics and bioinformatics
  • 微生物学
  • 分子生物学

You have the option to substitute a semester-long research project for one of your graduate courses.

Master of Arts in Biology 资源

Programs Related to the Master of Arts in Biology

Not sure if the MA biology degree is right for you? Check out these other graduate programs at Oakland, and contact our admissions team to discuss your options.

  • Master of Science in Biology
  • 研究生 Certificate in Biomedical Sciences