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University students typically encounter a great deal of stress (i.e.(学业、社会、家庭、工作和财务). While most students cope successfully with the demands of college life, for some the pressures can become overwhelming and unmanageable. 有困难的学生有许多可利用的资源. These resources include close friends, relatives, clergy, and coaches. 事实上,任何被视为关心和值得信赖的人都可能是遇到麻烦时的潜在资源.

In your role as faculty or staff, 学生可能会认为你是一个能伸出援助之手或善于倾听的人. 你表达的兴趣和关心可能是帮助挣扎的学生找到适当帮助的关键因素.

报告的行为 Concerns and Support Our Community

When to contact the Counseling Center

虽然并不详尽, 以下问题可能会指出教师和工作人员与咨询中心的工作人员进行咨询的几个例子和原因:

  • Are you concerned about a student's mental health?
  • Have you found a particular student to be intimidating?
  • Do you encounter student opposition and disruption in the classroom?
  • Are other students intimidated by another student's behavior?
  • 你是否曾经担心过学生可能会伤害自己或他人?
  • Have you or are you concerned about student aggression?

如果您对我们的服务有疑问和/或您想咨询我们的学生, please do not hesitate to call us.


If you have chosen to follow through with a student, 你可能对如何最好地处理这种情况还有一些疑问. Staff members at the Counseling Center would be pleased to help you:

  1. Assess the situation, its seriousness, and potential for referral.
  2. 了解资源, 无论是校内还是校外, 这样你就可以在与学生交谈时提供最合适的帮助.
  3. Find the best way to make a referral, if appropriate.
  4. 澄清你自己对学生的感觉,并考虑你可以最有效的方法.

For consultation with the Counseling Center, you can 调用 center at (248) 370-3465, 或者在正常工作时间去格雷厄姆健康中心,让接待员知道你想要一个教职员工咨询.

我们所有人在生命中的某个时候都有可能感到悲伤、沮丧和/或沮丧的日子. 然而,在一段时间内经历的重大痛苦可能意味着更严重的问题.


轻度问题学生 可能表现出不干扰他人的行为,但可能表明出了问题,需要帮助. 行为可能包括:

  1. 严重的成绩问题或从一贯及格到不可解释的糟糕表现的变化.
  2. 旷课过多,特别是如果学生之前表现出一贯的出勤.
  3. Unusual or markedly changed patterns of interaction, i.e.、回避参与、被要求时过度焦虑、主导讨论等.
  4. 其他特征表明学生在成功管理压力方面有困难.g., 低迷的, lethargic mood; very rapid speech; swollen, red eyes; marked change in personal dress and hygiene; falling asleep during class.

中度问题学生 may exhibit behaviors that indicate significant emotional distress. 他们也可能不愿意或不能承认需要个人帮助. 行为可能包括:

  1. Repeated requests for special consideration, 比如截止日期的延长, 特别是当学生在透露促使他们提出要求的情况时显得不舒服或情绪高度激动时.
  2. 新的或重复的行为,突破了礼仪的界限,干扰了对周围环境的有效管理.
  3. 不寻常的或夸张的情绪反应,明显不适合的情况.
Severely troubled/disruptive students

Severely troubled/disruptive students 表现出明显的危机行为,需要紧急护理. These problems are the easiest to identify. 例子包括:

  1. Highly disruptive behavior (e.g., hostility, aggression, violence, 等.).
  2. Inability to communicate clearly (garbled, slurred speech; unconnected, 脱节的, 或胡思乱想).
  3. Loss of contact with reality (seeing or hearing things which others cannot see or hear; beliefs or actions greatly at odds with reality or probability).
  4. 跟踪行为.
  5. 不恰当的交流(包括恐吓信、电子邮件、骚扰).
  6. 有明显的自杀想法(包括将自杀作为当前的选择或在书面作业中提到).
  7. 威胁伤害他人.

Once you recognize a student who is need of assistance, 遵循以下建议步骤,以确保学生得到他们需要的帮助.



  • Accept and respect what is said.
  • Help determine what needs to be done or changed.
  • Try to focus on an aspect of the problem that is manageable.
  • Avoid giving advice, judging, evaluating, and criticizing.
  • Avoid easy answers such as, "Everything will be all right."
  • Help identify resources needed to improve things.
  • Help the person recall constructive methods used in the past to cope; get the person to agree to do something constructive to change things.
  • 在获得专业帮助之前,把自己当作一个有爱心的人.
  • Trust your instincts and reactions.
  • 让别人知道你的担忧.
  • Attempt to address the person's needs and seek appropriate resources.
  • 避免不必要地助长对方的罪恶感或失败感.
  • Do not swear secrecy or offer confidentiality to the person.
  • Encourage the person to seek help.
  • Respect the student's value system, even if you don't agree.
  • 被叫时,让对方知道你很担心他们的安全.
  • 如果你担心学生可能会感到绝望,并考虑结束他们的生命, ask if she/he is contemplating suicide. 重要的是要记住,谈论自杀是一种求助的呼声,不能被忽视.
  • 在学生离开你的办公室后,做一些笔记记录你们的互动.
  • Consult with others on your experience.


  • Deal directly with the behavior/problem according to classroom protocol.
  • Address the situation on a more personal level.
  • 咨询同事, 部门主管, Dean of Students Office professional, or a campus counseling professional.

Refer the student to the appropriate University resource.

Severely troubled/disruptive student


  • Remain calm and know who to call for help, if necessary. 找一个人陪在学生身边,同时打电话给适当的资源.e. Dean of Students, campus police, the Counseling Center).
  • 请记住,为有严重问题/破坏性的学生提供所需的专业帮助不是你的责任. You need only to make the necessary call and request assistance.
  • When a student expresses a direct threat to themselves or others, 或者行为怪异, highly irrational or disruptive way, 调用 十大菠菜台子 Police Department at (248) 370-3333.
Warning signs for when to refer a student for further assistance


  • 表现出性格的变化(从积极参与到安静和孤僻), or goes from being quiet to more agitated or demanding).
  • Begins to display aggressive or abusive behavior to self or others; exhibits excessive risk-taking.
  • 有失忆的迹象.
  • Shows loose or incoherent thought patterns, has difficulty focusing thoughts, or displays nonsensical conversation patterns.
  • Exhibits behaviors or emotions that are inappropriate to the situation.
  • Displays extreme suspiciousness or irrational fears of persecution; withdraws, does not allow others to be close; believes she/he is being watched, 之后, 等.
  • Exhibits signs of hyperactivity (unable to sit still, 难以保持专注, gives the impression of going "too fast,看起来很激动。).
  • Shows signs of depression (no visible emotion s or feelings, 看起来昏昏欲睡, 减肥, looks exhausted and complains of sleeping poorly, displays feelings of worthlessness or self-hatred, or is apathetic about previous interests).
  • 谈论不寻常的进食模式,不进食或过度进食.
  • Shows signs of injury to self, cuts, bruises, or sprains.
  • 学习成绩恶化(导致考试焦虑), 偶尔上课, or extended absences from class).
  • Begins or increases alcohol or other drug use.
  • 对自杀、杀人、绝望或无助的感觉做出陈述.

检查流程 如何转介.

十大菠菜台子 Counseling Center

葛培理健康中心, East Wing
(248) 370-3465

星期一至星期五:上午8点.m. - 5 p.m.